30 Kid-Friendly Affirmations To Boost Their Confidence

If you’ve ever given yourself a pep talk before an important meeting, you know how important affirmations can be!

But affirmations aren’t just for adults—they can also be a healthy way to instill positive self-belief in children who are still developing their self-confidence. At DeeBee’s Organics, we understand how nurturing positive behaviours in children can lead to happy and self-confident adults unafraid to show the world who they are! 

Benefits of Positive Affirmations for Children

Affirmations are positive phrases that promote self-belief and encourage kids to develop a strong sense of self-esteem. They’re typically different for each child and tailored to each person’s unique strengths, attributes, and also what they need to believe in.

Positive affirmations enable kids to:

  • Gain confidence over time
  • Not only accept, but love themselves as they are
  • Foster self-belief and mitigate self-doubt
  • Set and achieve goals
  • Feel proud of accomplishments
  • Push against negative thinking
  • Develop an optimistic outlook towards life

Best Ages to Begin Affirmations

Children typically learn to speak their first words around 18 months, with short phrases being formed within two years. By age three, children begin to have brief dialogues with themselves—out loud at first, growing to become internalized self-talk as they age and better understand their brains. Starting affirmations early in their life not only helps children boost their confidence as they age, but it also helps foster their overall speech and cognitive development. 

Best Way to Teach Kids Affirmations

Flashcards are the most popular and effective method for teaching affirmations to kids: you can find our favorite kid-friendly affirmation cards here! Cards can range in difficulty from basic phrases for young children to reflect on, all the way to more complex sentences for older kids. Affirmations are always positive and typically written in the present tense with an active voice, such as “I am good at math.” 

Kids can repeat their mantra or positive affirmations all throughout the day in psychologically safe spaces, including:

  • When they’re getting ready for school
  • When looking in the mirror
  • Before they start on their homework
  • During the evening when they get downtime 
  • Before meals
  • Before they go to bed

Affirmations can also be posted on the fridge or a bulletin board in a main room of the house so your child can see it as they pass through during the day.

Examples of Kid-Friendly Affirmations

There are endless affirmations options to use to help boost your child’s confidence. Here’s a quick list of our thirty favourites to get your family started!

  1. Today is going to be a great day.
  2. I am happy to be me.
  3. I accept myself as I am.
  4. I am kind to others.
  5. I can do hard things.
  6. I love learning.
  7. Mistakes help me to learn.
  8. I improve with practice.
  9. I am brave.
  10. It is ok to be scared sometimes.
  11. I am loved by my family and friends.
  12. I believe in myself.
  13. I love myself just the way I am.
  14. I deserve happiness and love.
  15. It is ok to be sad sometimes.
  16. I can try again next time.
  17. I have my own talents.
  18. I try my best at what I do.
  19. I can choose to be happy.
  20. I can make a difference.
  21. I show respect to others.
  22. I deserve love and respect.
  23. I can achieve my goals.
  24. My goals are important.
  25. It is ok to ask for help.
  26. I can forgive others.
  27. I deserve forgiveness.
  28. I can achieve my dreams.
  29. I can overcome challenges.
  30. I am proud of myself.
No matter which affirmations you choose, it’s important to instill within your children the habit of positive thinking. As they grow and develop, positive self-talk will improve and sustain their confidence, increase their resilience as they begin to navigate life’s tougher moments, and encourage them during times of frustration—all essential tools for their adolescence and adult futures!